Brian Svoboda's Homepage


Assistant Scientist of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory

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About Me

Although not known for its numerous sunny days, I grew up in the beautiful Pacific Northwest in Puyallup, Washington. My passion for astronomy developed out of a curiousity for our origins and the encouragement and support I received from my parents. As an avid amateur astronomy, my trusty Meade LX10 and I have scanned the skies together since middle school. I received my B.S. in Physics from Western Washington University (WWU) in 2012 and my Ph.D. from the University of Arizona (UA) in 2018.

Other Interests

My dual interest to our cosmic origins is our historical origins here on Earth. I feel strongly that we have a duty to study the peoples of the past so that we may understand them, learn from them, and remember them. I'm especially interested in the ancients who developed the first milestones of civilization, such as agriculture and writing, around the world. My other interests of the ancient world include languages, writing systems, epigraphy, ceramics, and historical linguistics.

Clear Sky Charts

Socorro, NM:

Tucson, AZ:

Puyallup, WA: