Public Outreach and Service
I have been fortunate to share my passion for the night-sky,
astronomy, and the Cosmos with the public through contributing to a variety of
public outreach events. I have worked with Arizona Statue University's School of Earth
and Space Exploration (SESE) and the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association
(TAAA) for community outreach. Below are a broad list of my outreach
experiences ordered by location and roughly by time.
Socorro, New Mexico
Amherst, Massachusetts
Tucson, Arizona
- Astronomy Camp counselor for Beginning and Advanced Camps (2016)
- TAAA volunteer for the Grand Canyon Star Party (2013)
- Astronomy Camp volunteer assisting HHSMT observing projects (2012-2018)
Tempe, Arizona
- Aided public observing and educational activities for SESE open-houses
- Trained in using the StarLab portable planetarium equipment
Phoenix, Arizona
- SESE public observing Phoenix Zoo's public zoo nights
- SESE public observing at Phoenix First Friday ArtWalk
Bellingham, Washington
- Host for public observing using the WWU 0.3m Telescope
- WWU Society of Physics Students chapter President
- Led WWU trip to TRIUMF at UBC
- Led WWU juding for the Happy Valley Elementary Science Fair
Puyallup, Washington
- Contributions to public star-parties as a Tacoma Astronomical Society (TAS) member